20 Libraries Must Know Every Flutter Developers

Bora Erbaşoğlu
2 min readSep 20, 2023
  1. Provider: A popular package used for state management. It allows you to share data within the widget tree.
  2. GetX: A convenient library for both state management and navigation. It’s easy to use and efficient.
  3. Dio: Excellent for managing HTTP requests. It’s commonly used for interacting with RESTful APIs.
  4. Firebase: Firebase allows you to add features like authentication, real-time databases, analytics, and more to your app.
  5. Shared Preferences: Used to persistently store simple data on the device, especially suitable for app settings.
  6. GetStorage: A useful database solution for storing more complex data.
  7. Intl: Used for internationalization (translation and localization). It enables you to present your app in different languages.
  8. Cached Network Image: Helps when downloading images from the internet and caching them to improve app performance.
  9. Flutter Bloc: Used for app state management. It follows the Bloc (Business Logic Component) architecture.
  10. GetX Navigation: A navigation solution that works well with GetX. It allows for quick and simple page transitions.
  11. RxDart: Used for Reactive Programming and managing data streams.
  12. Flutter Swiper: Helps create carousel views in your app.
  13. URL Launcher: Used to open web pages, email clients, and other external applications from within your app.
  14. Flutter WebView: Embeds web pages within your Flutter app.
  15. Flutter Form: Useful package for form handling and validation.
  16. Permission Handler: Used for managing device permissions. Handy for requesting permissions like camera or location.
  17. Flutter Toast: Used to display alert messages and notifications.
  18. Image Picker: Provides the ability for the user to select images from the gallery or take photos with the camera.
  19. Permission Handler: Used for managing device permissions. Handy for requesting permissions like camera or location.
  20. Google Maps Flutter: Used for map integration and is essential for developing location-based apps.

Have a nice day!



Bora Erbaşoğlu

Technical Software Development Manager | Personal Software Coach