The 11 Most Important Laravel Framework Facts — MUST KNOW THESE !!!

The greatest PHP framework available today is Laravel. If you are unfamiliar with the term “framework,” I’d like to explain that in the software development field, a framework is a set of generic functions that users can customize with additional code.

Laravel is a free and open-source framework for creating websites using PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor). A PHP framework gives programmers access to a library of pre-written modules that they may use to swiftly build online applications.

Despite many claims to the contrary, PHP is still utilized by developers all around the world. According to statistics, PHP is used by around 78.9% of all websites that use a recognized server-side programming language.

To comprehend how Laravel functions, you must be aware of two fundamental facts.

It’s important to understand right away that Laravel employs PHP, a scripting language, not a general-purpose programming language (sometimes referred to simply as “programming language”).

Although programming languages and scripting languages are similar, programming languages are not platform-specific and compile during compilation while scripting languages are platform-specific and compile at runtime.

The MVC (Model View Controller) Architecture is used by Laravel, which you should be aware of. A three-part architectural pattern is called MVC.

These consist of:

Model: The core element that establishes the project’s data and rules
View: The model’s definition of the logic and data expression
Controller: The component that manages the functions, transforms them into formats that can be used, and transfers data to the view and model parts.
The graphic below shows how the model, view, and controller interact with one another.

As a result, the framework enables developers to connect to different APIs and choose the application’s structure. The long-term advantages of software frameworks are numerous and include:

  • Specifically created to facilitate web development using online services, web resources, and web APIs for a variety of uses, Laravel is a web framework or web application framework.
  • The Laravel project is a collection of PHP classes that can assist web developers in a variety of ways to reduce the overhead associated with routine web development tasks. Consequently, it makes customizing an application simple.
  • Being an open source PHP framework with a large and expanding community, Laravel is based on the MVC paradigm and is capable of producing results swiftly and precisely.
  • Modern web developers adore it because it places a strong emphasis on performance, features, and scalability.
  1. OOP Libraries

By providing a selection of pre-installed libraries, Laravel has established itself in the world of frameworks as being distinct and different. The Authentication library of Laravel, which offers sophisticated login and database security solutions, is one of its most helpful libraries.

Checking for active users, password resets, Bcrypt hashing, CSRF protection, and encryption are more sophisticated OOP features.

2. All Database Updates Needs Migrations

Through various development interfaces and development machines, developers often and extensively modify the application’s databases during the development phases. Therefore, at the end of the day or the workday, data synchronization or migration must be safe and error-free in order to update the database.

Developers must store database work in migrations and seeds for simple database migration, which may make migration simple and the developers’ lives easier!

3. Your Friend Artisan

An excellent tool created specifically for Laravel to leverage the Command Line Interface is called an artisan. You may view its extensive built-in command list by giving it the “PHP artisan list” command. Additionally, it provides a tool for creating custom instructions that you can change to suit your needs and preferences.

What Artisan Do?

  • Make a controller
  • Make a model
  • Be a service provider
  • Migrate data
  • Create test data using tinker

4. Perfect Caching

Caching is a common practice in the software industry, especially for web-based applications that frequently request external servers, databases, and other resources. The optimal speed for websites or web applications dealing with external resources or services is provided by caching mechanisms, which serve as a buffer.

Laravel offers quicker and more convenient online caching options, such as built-in support for Memcached and Radis. The development process is much enhanced.

5. Routing Leads The Way!

Routing during development can be made simple, quick, and easy thanks to Laravel Create. With more power and flexibility, the developer can trigger a route in the application to match the URL.

6. Laravel Composer

We are all aware of the composer’s great value in installing plugins, updating software, and more. Laravel uses and supports the composer functionality as a result for its setup and upkeep.

It makes it simple for developers to control those processes. The developer can declare, install, or update the library dependencies using Composer, which manages dependencies with ease. All the PHP developers find Laravel cloying because of this cute little helper.

7. Security &Auth Management

Configuration: Laravel has practically everything set up correctly, and it offers tools for managing authorisation logic and restricting access to resources.

Auth: Consequently, Laravel provides authentication simply and further increases security. Additionally, it provides HTTP basic authentication, user authentication, and authentication drivers.

Password Protection: Additional security features offered by Laravel include the use of salted and hashed passwords, ensuring that they are never saved in plain text and are therefore simple to extract from the database. It gives password reset and reminder functions in addition to password remindersage.

Encryption: Additionally, the Bcrypt hashing technique produces an encrypted version of the password to make it more secure.


Prepared SQL statements are used by Laravel to prevent injections. In addition to this, it offers a mechanism to disregard user input, reducing the likelihood of user-injection of the script tag.

8. You Don’t Need To Manage Dependency Injection

IoC (Inversion of Control) containers, a great utility provided by Laravel, are fantastic for managing class dependencies. Hard-coded class dependencies can be removed with the aid of dependency injection techniques. Therefore, hiring dedicated Laravel developers heavily use this functionality.

9. Don’t Need To Manage Paginations And SQL Limits

The process of implementing pagination can be made simpler using Laravel. As a result, it automates pagination by taking the place of the traditional manual implementation techniques.

10. Be More Organized With Templates

Laravel offers something unique in that it contains an easy-to-use templating engine called Blade that makes it easier for developers to work with HTML spaghetti or standard PHP. Additionally, Blade has no performance costs for your application.

11. Performing UI Testing

User interface testing is done by Laravel developers before launching new applications or redesigning existing ones. Although a lot of developers test their apps using UI testing tools like Parasoft Selenic, Katalon, Mabl, and TestCraft, you’ll also be required to do manual testing as part of your tasks.

Thanks For Reading!

