17 Things for Websites That Are Useful for Web Developers to Know.

The challenge with web development is that it is a protracted process with numerous steps. This is because we want to make sure that using our website will be simple and convenient for visitors.

As a web developer, you would have a lot on your plate, according to Sytian Web Developer Philippines. This involves deciding on the programming language, the framework, the host, and the server. Fortunately, you can use software and technologies to make our job easier.

The development process is intended to be streamlined and made easier by these web development tools. However, picking the incorrect one could jeopardize your work.

To assist you in getting started, we’ve included a few front-end development tools in this article.

  1. SublimeText

This text editor is good for usage with prose, markup, and coding and is great for small to large enterprises. You may quickly edit files side by side with this capability.

Additionally, Sublime’s enormous selection of keyboard shortcuts is largely credited with its success. It can edit simultaneously, as was already described.

Additionally, it offers simple access to files, lines, and symbols. The seconds you save on each operation ultimately mount up if you spend more than 8 hours a day in your editor.

The platforms Mac, Windows, and Linux are supported. The fact that this tool doesn’t yet support mobile platforms may be its only drawback.

2. GitHub

Working on a project feature and then making a mistake is every web developer’s worst fear.

GitHub can help in this situation.

When you use the service to roll out your project, it’s simple to view the modifications you made and go back to a previous version as necessary.

This technology is essential for web developers for a variety of other reasons as well.

The hosting service for repositories, for instance, offers a vibrant open-source development community. They also include other elements like wikis, task management, bug tracking, and feature requests.

3. jQuery

Web developers have long regarded JavaScript as a crucial front-end language, but it has drawbacks as well. There are numerous browser discrepancies. The functionality also suffered as a result of its complex syntax.

Up until 2006, when a compact, cross-platform JavaScript library by the name of jQuery came into play. Its objective is to make the front-end procedure simpler. Additionally, it abstracted a lot of the functionality that is often left up to developers to find out.

The utility provides a basic API that makes activities like Ajax and animation more easier. It can also function in a variety of browsers. Overall, this program offered considerably more flexibility in terms of making animations, including plugins, or even just browsing documents.

4. Chrome Developer Tools

Wouldn’t it be convenient if you could make real-time changes to your CSS and HTM? How about performing a performance study of your website while debugging your JavaScript?

Google’s Chrome Development Tools, however, let you do that.

It allows developers to view the internals of their web applications and is accessible on both Chrome and Safari. Additionally, you can seek assistance from the vibrant DevTools Community. But keep in mind that this is only compatible with one browser.

Furthermore, it offers a wide range of network technologies that enable them to optimize loading flows. A timeline is another feature that enables you to see what the browser is doing right now. The fact that Google refreshes this web development tool around every six weeks is fantastic.

5. Web Strom IDE

An integrated development environment (IDE) for JavaScript and associated technologies is called WebStorm. Like previous JetBrains IDEs, it improves your development experience by automating tedious processes and assisting you in mastering challenging ones.

With the IDE conducting several code checks as you type and spotting potential issues, you can write more dependable and maintainable code. Refactor your entire codebase with a few clicks, and when making significant structural changes, make sure nothing is missed.

With everything you need to start developing JavaScript right out of the box, you can get started right away. While WebStorm does all the tedious work for you, be more productive and concentrate on tasks that require more creativity.

Are you concerned that a mistake with Git could cause you to lose crucial changes? Alternatively, what if renaming a component throughout your entire project breaks something? These and other difficult jobs will be made simpler by WebStorm so you can concentrate on the big picture.


One of the most well-known CSS extension languages available is called Sass. In essence, it expands the capabilities of CSS, adding inheritance, easier nesting, inline imports, and other features.

Additionally, it works extremely well with every CSS version. As a result, developers can use any CSS library that is accessible.

However, before utilizing Sass, you must install and configure it in your project. It is then simpler to use the sass command to compile your Sass to CSS after installation.

The tool is supported by numerous developers and IT professionals. Several well-known frameworks have also been created using Sass.


You can broaden your understanding of HTML using this tool. With static documents, HTML works quite well, but not so well with dynamic views. You will have an environment that is expressive, readable, and quick to build thanks to this technology.

Additionally, it gives you access to a toolkit that enables you to build a framework from the development of your project.

Its extensive toolkit is compatible with other libraries. Thus, based on your development approach, you have the freedom to change or replace the functionality.

Additionally, it will undoubtedly wow you in terms of community support given that it is utilized by several developers across the globe.

8. React JS

Facebook created the open-source React.js framework and library for JavaScript. In comparison to using pure JavaScript, it is used to quickly and effectively create interactive user interfaces and web applications.

By building reusable components — which you may conceive of as separate Lego blocks — you design your applications with React. These elements are separate parts of a final interface that, when put together, make up the full user interface for the application.

By offering the best and most effective rendering execution, React’s main function in an application is to manage the view layer of that application, much like the V in a model-view-controller (MVC) paradigm. Instead of addressing the entire user interface as a single entity.

9.Code Kit

Although it may be a little difficult for beginners to use at first, this is actually designed to speed up the process of building a website.

The best thing is how effectively CodeKit functions with various languages. By combining scripts, minimizing codes can minimize file sizes and, consequently, HTTP requests.

It also enables image size optimization for site designers. Additionally, it minifies checks and performs JavaScript mixed syntax.

You should also choose a distinctive template to make your website stand out after that, and you’re good to go. Since the tool has already incorporated CSS changes, you don’t need to reload the entire page.

10. Ruby On Rails

Ruby on Rails, a web development framework, is the next item. Many developers need a well-structured code library that enables them to construct one step at a time, which improves their “mining work.”

Additionally, it offers quick fixes like form and menu builders. Web developers of all experience levels can benefit from using Ruby on Rails as a result.

Every newbie’s toolkit needs to contain this useful web development framework tool. Since they don’t have to create every single line of code from scratch, it’s a great option for beginners.

Finding the appropriate code in Ruby and then inserting it when building your website is the sole drawback.

11. NPM (Node Package Manager)

A free and open-source program called Node Package Manager enables you to use crucial JavaScript technologies to create amazing things. It features outstanding team management functionalities.

It has the advantages of not requiring any configuration and including security auditing features.

Features of an enterprise-grade system include:

  • Security knowledge
  • Access management
  • Reduced duplication of effort
  • Fantastic customer service

This tool can be used by both small teams and huge companies. It’s without a doubt the best option for enterprise JavaScript.

12. Typescript

This free and open-source programming language is a typed superset of JavaScript. It converts the code to ordinary JavaScript as its main function.

Additionally, it works with any host, browser, or operating system. You can also make use of the JavaScript code that is already in place and then call the Typescript code from JavaScript.

Additionally, you’ll learn useful information about how JavaScript libraries behave right now. You can also define the interfaces between the program components and utilize the most recent JavaScript technologies.

13. Web Development Communities

Every web designer has experienced it. They encounter a difficulty; what do they do? So they use Google to quickly discover an answer. We have access to so much information on the web, making it simple to identify and resolve issues as they arise. Below are a few excellent communities for web development.

  • Stack Overflow: Stack Overflow is a community of 4.7 million developers that support one another.
  • Front-end Front: A forum for front-end developers to post queries, interesting links, and examples of their work for the community to see.
  • Hashnode: A community where software developers from across the world can interact and share programming knowledge.
  • Refind: Refind is a group of entrepreneurs, hackers, and designers who gather and distribute the top web links.

14. Web Development Newsletters

Another subscription to a newsletter is likely the last thing you require. But these folks do it for you by hand-picking some of the best web development and performance subjects from all across the internet!

  • wdrl.info: A handcrafted, carefully chosen directory of websites linked to web development is available at wdrl.info. normally curated and released every week.
  • webopsweekly.com: A weekly newsletter for Web developers, webopsweekly.com, focuses on online operations, infrastructure, app deployment, performance, and tooling, from the browser all the way down to the hardware.
  • web tools weekly: A front-end development and web design newsletter with a tools-focused approach is called web tools weekly. Each issue begins with a quick tip or tutorial, then lists a variety of plugins, apps, scripts, and other resources on a weekly basis.

15. Website Speed Test Tools

A website’s success may be significantly impacted by how quickly it loads. Greater SEO results, higher conversion rates, fewer bounce rates, and improved user engagement can all be attributed to websites that load more quickly. Utilizing the several free tools available for checking website speed is crucial.

  • Website Speed Test: A page speed test made by KeyCDN that examines the website preview and waterfall breakdown.
  • Google PageSpeed Insights: PageSpeed Insights examines a web page’s content and then offers recommendations for speeding it up.
  • Google Chrome DevTools: Web authoring and debugging tools included in Google Chrome are called the DevTools.
  • WebPageTest: Run a free website performance test using actual browsers (IE and Chrome) and at real consumer connection speeds with WebPageTest from various places around the world.
    Pingdom: Measure the page’s load time, examine it, and identify any bottlenecks.
  • GTmetrix: Offers information on how quickly your site loads and offers practical tips for optimizing it.

16. Inspiration

Everybody needs motivation from time to time. It can occasionally be useful for front-end developers specifically to look at what other people are doing. This may be a fantastic source of creativity, fresh ideas, and ensuring that your website or online application stays current.

CodePen: Show off your most recent project on CodePen to get feedback. Create a test case for the annoying bug. For your tasks, find inspiration and model design patterns.
Dribble: A group of designers who share screenshots of their projects, workflow, and work-in-progress.

17. Icons

Almost all web developers, especially front-end developers, will require icons at some time throughout the course of their work.

  • Font Awesome: Scalable vector icons from Font Awesome can be quickly changed in terms of size, color, drop shadow, and anything else possible thanks to the power of CSS.
  • IconMonster is a free, excellent, enormously large, and constantly expanding repository of straightforward icons. A fave of mine
  • IconFinder: Iconfinder offers millions of designers and developers gorgeous icons.
  • Fontello is a tool for creating unique fonts with icons.

Thanks for reading!

